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The Rowans Primary Science Curriculum Intent

At The Rowans, we want our children to be naturally curious about the world around them. We want to embrace their sense of wonder about natural phenomena and to guide them into becoming enquiry-based learners.

Science in our school is about developing children’s ideas and ways of working that enable them to make sense of the world in which they live. We want our children to develop an understanding of the uses and implications of Science, how it has changed and shaped our lives and how vital it is to the world’s future prosperity.

Scientific enquiry skills are embedded in each topic the children study and these topics are revisited and developed throughout their time at The Rowans. Topics are taught and continually reviewed to ensure that the children have understood what has been taught and that it has entered their meta-memory, through the use of the White Rose Science scheme and Flashback 4.

Science teaching at The Rowans involves adapting and extending the curriculum to match all pupils’ needs to ensure they are challenged and achieve success, regardless of their starting point. Where possible, science is linked to termly topics. Science is taught as discrete units and lessons were needed to ensure coverage in line with the National Curriculum requirements. In addition, opportunities are sought to teach science through all primary subjects.

The Rowans Primary Science Curriculum Implementation

Science units are taught on a two-year rolling programme. This ensures progression between year groups and guarantees topics are covered. Each unit of work has a strong element of investigation to develop children’s enquiring minds as well as a clear knowledge content to build on both their prior and next stages of learning. We use White Rose Science as a basis to ensure both curriculum coverage and to scaffold our science lessons each week.

The Rowans Primary Science Curriculum Impact

  • Pupils are accessing science that has been linked to the national curriculum.
  • Pupils want to engage in science lessons.
  • Pupils will have a wider variety of skills linked to both scientific knowledge and understanding, and scientific enquiry/investigative skills.
  • Pupils can work both collaboratively and individually.
  • Pupils are beginning to develop a richer vocabulary when talking scientifically.
  • Pupils continue to develop higher aspirations and see science-based careers as a possibility.