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The Rowans Primary PE Curriculum Intent

The Rowans Primary Physical Education Curriculum is designed to meet the diverse needs of children and young people with special educational needs (SEN), particularly those experiencing social, emotional, and mental health challenges. In a primary school setting, this curriculum supports pupils by providing physical benefits through engaging in a range of sports such as football, cricket, table tennis, rugby, and athletics in a co-operative and competitive way. Activities also include outdoor adventurous education, which fosters transferable skills, crucial for everyday life. The curriculum focuses on learning progressive skills that enhance both physical abilities and mental health benefits, thereby creating a pathway for happy, confident, and resilient learners.

Implementing calming and regulation strategies, such as the zones of regulation, helps children and young people manage their emotions effectively. This is particularly beneficial for those with additional needs who may need support in navigating their emotional regulation.


The Rowans Primary PE Curriculum Implementation

The Rowans PE curriculum runs on rotation. Across the academic year, pupils will experience six different sports. However, this will not be taught in blocks. In a single term, pupils will be taught a lesson of each of the six sports. The reason behind this is to maintain engagement and to build on skills over time.


The Rowans Primary PE Curriculum Impact

  • Pupils are accessing physical education that has been linked to the national curriculum.
  • Pupils feel prepared to participate in physical education.
  • Pupils can name benefits of physical education.
  • Pupils can work together as a team.
  • Pupils are beginning to manage their emotions in competitive situations.
  • Pupils can demonstrate fundamental movements such as running, throwing, catching and jumping and begin to combine these.