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Understanding pupils' career choices and aspirations is paramount to a pupil's success at school and also in preparing them for their future lives. Therefore, the information shared on the careers pages are relevant to pupils/parents/carers, employees and staff.

The Rowans has sustained the prestigious Quality in Careers Standard through Investors in Carers. This reflects the commitment and dedication of every member of staff to ensure careers is a seen as a golden thread through all aspects of school life. To ensure our careers advise is independent, up to date and professionally delivered our careers leader has successfully completed the Carers Leader training run by Canterbury Christ Church University and our Careers advisor is level 6 trained with both members of staff being members of the Careers Development institute.

Pupils at The Rowans are encouraged to explore a wide range of career choices through our information and guidance programme. We aim to prepare our pupils for future opportunities in the world of study and ultimately their working life.

We believe that careers education should be available to all pupils at The Rowans so all pupils and parents have the opportunity to attend our very own Careers Fair. The aim of our careers fair is to open up a whole new window of different employment opportunities available to them, with information on apprenticeships, college courses, university prospects and employment. Since introducing The Rowans Careers Fair, we have seen an increased amount of reflection from all pupils regarding their future careers and this has had a positive impact on progress and attainment. Our independent careers advisor is available to talk to pupils and parents throughout the careers fair and takes an active part in enabling our pupils to get the most from their visit to the careers fair.

The Rowans is a member of the Careers and Enterprise Company - Kent and Medway Careers Hub. Our careers leader regularly attends strategic meetings regarding data and information sharing to ensure our pupils, parents, staff and partners receive the very best and up to date careers information.


KS3 - pupils have a term of PSHE lessons focused on careers where they have the time to drill down into careers subjects from sources of careers information to writing a careers action plan. This is shown in the infographic below. KS3 pupils also have small group careers guidance interviews with our independent level 6 careers advisor at the beginning of the year. KS3 pupils and parents have the opportunity to talk to the careers advisor at academic review day and the carers fair.

KS4 Pupils gain knowledge and develop skills in employability awareness through an annual drop-down careers’ day where pupils have the chance to write a CV, explore job opportunities, explore job roles and team skills, review interview skills and practice these skills in a live interview with our headteacher. KS4 Pupils also take part in a week’s work experience where placements are tailored to their future career aspirations. pupils have independent careers guidance in the form of our level 6 trained careers advisor. The careers programme includes: individual and group meetings on post 16 pathways, apprenticeships and college courses. Attendance to the careers fair supports their option choices and widens their outlook for post 16. KS4 pupils and parents also have the chance to talk to the careers advisor at the careers fair and academic review days.

The Rowans is devoted to securing an appropriate and sustainable post 16 destination for all pupils that is tracked and supported throughout year 11 within our school mentoring working party. Year 11 Pupils follow a programme of support and tracking that ensures post 16 destinations are appropriate and sustainable.

With the support and mentoring given to year 11 pupils a variety of destinations are explored and followed. The following infographic shows where the exceptional and individualised education received at The Rowans can lead to.

Past pupils have pursued a variety of post 16 options including; foundation course entry at university, joining the army, apprenticeships, sixth form study, college courses, internships and jobs with training.

To reflect these changes and labour market needs of Medway we have increased our options at KS4 to include more vocational courses such as; Construction and CSCS card, Engineering, Land Based Studies and Children’s Play, Learning and Development. We have also introduced AQA Food, DT, Photography and Textiles to support post 16 choices.

Websites for further information

Careers Leader: Katie Martin – Deputy Headteacher
Email: katie.martin@therowansap.co.uk
Tel: 01634 33 88 37

Monitoring and Evaluation

All Partnership agreements are reviewed annually. The programme is reviews annually by the Careers Leader and Work Experience Coordinator using the CDI National Framework, the Gatsby Benchmarks and the Investor in Careers quality standards to identify areas for improvement. A report and plan is submitted to the Head Teacher.

Evaluation of different aspects of CEIAG is undertaken regularly. All activities that form the careers and work related programme are evaluated and the information is used to inform planning for the following occasion. The School uses evaluation methods such as observation, questioning a well as questionnaires by pupils or parents after sessions.

Annual Evaluation by Esther Cook

I met with KM to discuss the plans for careers provision for the 23/24 academic year.

  • The school has an ongoing professional relationship with its careers adviser. This advisor will be working with Year 11 for the first two terms, and will see all students. 18th January the school is hosting the joint Year 11 careers fair with Inspire.
  • Year 10 work experience is agreed for 16th - 20th october, with almost all places already filled (2 remaining at the time of the visit). Mr Ketcher is reviewing the staff training and paperwork required.
  • An extended form time, including careers activity has been launched - this includes a job matching activity, raising awareness of different jobs, and a job search training activity for year 11 work readiness preparation.
  • All year 11 have been given mentors from within the staff body to support the completion of the destinations form.
  • The careers working party consists of Leanne Gale, Fiona Ravate (mentoring), Gary Hake (Post 16 destinations), Jodie Cornwell (Compass +) and Lee Ketcher (work experience/extended work experience).
  • Extended work experience placements are in place, happening for 1 day/week, and include 2 year 11s on child care placements. My Ketcher is responsible for the paperwork, including checking for public liability insurance, and reviews termly.
  • If students join in year 10 they are still provided with work experience, and this offer is extended to new year 11s wherever possible.
  • The careers programme has been reviewed for this academic year, with the budget agreed, including savings arising from sharing the careers fair.
  • Policies are ready to be ratified, with no big changes (included in meeting 27th September). These include no big changes, and meet all statutory requirements.
  • When Year 10 go on work experience, Year 11 will have a drop-down careers day, including a Mid Kent assembly and an NCS talk.
  • Gatsby is at 100% with Compass+ being constantly updated by Jodie.
  • 5th - 9th February will focus on apprenticeship week. So far the NHS and Army are already confirmed to be coming in, and will speak to small groups for 30 mins at a time.

We also discussed last year’s Year 11 destinations:

  • All those intending to go to college have been enrolled
  • 1 Year 11 is awaiting a CSCS card before beginning construction

Date of review: September 2023
Next review: September 2024
Careers Trustee: Esther Cook

Staff Careers Training

National Apprenticeship Week:
KS4 pupil applying for his engineering apprenticeship.

Pupils throughout the school writing their personal aspirations. Short term goals set to start to achieve their long term goals.

KS4 pupils getting a taste of university life and learning in the dark room at UCA. Fantastic opportunity for our pupils to experience what the future ahead can offer them.