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As part of our careers programme and to better equip pupils for their post 16 destinations, all year 10 pupils complete a week’s work experience within an industry of their choice during term 1. Selected year 11 pupils also have the opportunity to attend extend work placements throughout the year. These opportunities give pupils an experience of the world of work and help to develop our school values of kindness, commitment and resilience.

As a school we contract the sourcing of our work placements to MEBP, which ensures a very diverse choice of careers for our pupils to experience. This also enables us to personalise any idea a pupil has to suit all work experience needs. MEBP visit the placement and carry out risk assessments to ensure that the placement is suitable and safe for our pupils to visit. As a school we have also began to source and build relationships with local businesses ourselves, which provides our pupils with further opportunities and experiences.

Once a pupil decides on their work experience placement, they contact the employer with the help of their form tutor to introduce themselves and arrange any necessary interviews or pre-visits. We also support our pupils and help them to prepare for their placement with an extended tutor time, where they have the opportunity to read through their job descriptions, understand expectations and ask any questions that they may have. Pupils also work through a work experience log book, ensuing they have read and understood all essential information about their role in the workplace.

During their placement pupils are further supported with regular attendance calls and a visit from a member of staff. Pupils are expected to complete their work experience log book during their placement, recording what jobs they have carried out how they felt each day. At the end of the placement pupils complete an evaluation, allowing them to reflect on their weeks placement and what skills they have learnt.


Year 10 work experience 2023-2024

Year 10 had the opportunity to go to work experience at the end of term 1 and there were some huge successes with pupils at the following placements:

Laicey thrived at Greenwich Leisure LTD, while Brandon and Leo showcased their skills at Soccer Elite. Harley honed his expertise at Bexley Garage, Bailey nurtured young minds at Catkins Nursery, and Angel contributed to the learning environment at King William Nursery.

The list continued with Bamore at Saxon Engineering, Charlie at Royal Mail, Kaiden at K9 Dip n Clip, Max at The Poachers Pocket, and Harry at Mick's MOTs. Even Indiana from Year 11 demonstrated enthusiasm, completing a rewarding week at Catkins Nursery.

Two pupils impressed the employers so much that they are now doing extended work placements, alongside attending school.

All pupils showed the school's core values of kindness, commitment and resilience.

Below are some photos of our year 10’s enjoying their experiences in the workplace.

Pupil voice

Hayden “I was very nervous about work experience, but with support I was able to build my confidence and do all the jobs asked of me”.

Brooke “I loved my placement; Sarah was so nice and brought me things that I could use to practice and improve my skills”.

Caroline “I really enjoyed working at The Poachers Pocket, by the end of the week I was even able to help prepare desserts”.

As a school we value the skills pupils learn whilst out experiencing the world of work. Any year 11 pupil can express an interest to Mr Ketcher or Mrs Martin if they wish to complete an extend work placement. We will then work with MEBP to source a match with a local employer and arrange necessary interviews. Extended work placements are reviewed termly, where pupils are roles and responsibilities are assessed.

In the past we have had some extremely successful extended work placements at the following companies Redline American Muscle (motor mechanics sector), Bryant Electrical (construction sector) and Caring Hands (catering sector).

If you are a local employer and would like to partner with our school giving young people an experience of work please contact Katie Martin on katie.martin@therowansap.co.uk or Lee Ketcher on lee.ketcher@therowansap.co.uk