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School Timetable

Registration Period
and Tutor
8.40–8.45 8.45–9.45 9.45–10.45 11.00–12.00 12.00–1.00 1.25–1.30 1.30–2.30 2.30–2.45

School Lunch

School lunch is provided, free of charge to all pupils. We ensure that the menus are visually appealing, enabling pupils to easily choose a healthy lunch.

Daily choices include jacket potatoes with a variety of fillings, paninis, wraps and a variety of fresh salads and fruit. Pupils are encouraged to taste and eat new foods. Staff are encouraged to eat a school lunch and sit with pupils in the dining hall as it is recognised that eating together is a fundamental experience for all people; a primary way to nurture and celebrate our cultural diversity; and an excellent bridge for building relationships. Our aims are to support pupils to have a balanced lunch and best prepare them for learning in the afternoon.

We were again awarded a Level 5 Food Hygiene rating (the highest possible) from Environmental Health on 14th June 2024 for our standards and are committed to promoting healthy eating for all pupils.


It is compulsory for all pupils to wear The Rowans’ uniform to school each day.

Our uniform is comfortable, practical and affordable. It does not require pupils to wear formal shoes or a blazer. However, it is important that pupils come to school in uniform.

Pupils should wear black below the waist and black trainers. Pupils must also wear a polo shirt and a sweatshirt. Both have the Rowans’ logo, which must be seen. It is not possible for pupils to wear their own jumper over a Rowans’ polo shirt. It is also compulsory to wear a Rowans’ sport t-shirt for sport lessons, plain black shorts or jogging bottoms can be their own choice. No hats or caps are permitted in school and pupils should not wear sliders or flip flops.

Uniform can be bought directly from school, with payment to be made using the School Gateway. The cost of uniform is heavily subsidised by the school to make it affordable. The cost has risen significantly for the school and for the supplier. Therefore, we have had to reluctantly increase the cost slightly from July 2024. The new costs are below:


Cost to parents/carers

Starter Pack
(Two polo shirts, one sweatshirt, PE Top, PE Shorts and PE Bag


Any items purchased after this will be charged as follows:

PE Top


PE Shorts


PE Bag


Rowans Polo Shirt


Rowans Sweatshirt


If you would like to set up a payment plan, please do not hesitate to ask. All payments must be made online, via the School Gateway – please contact the office if you need help in setting this up.

In order to pay in this way, you will need to set up your details on the website www.schoolgateway.com. There is a “help” button (top left of screen) if you require further assistance with registering. Alternatively, you can contact the school and we will be pleased to help you.

Once you have entered your mobile and email details here, we can accept online payments from you and a receipt will be sent to you for each transaction. Please note that the system relies on the mobile telephone number and email you register with matching our own records, so please ensure that the school office has up to date information for you.

You can also register for the School Gateway App, either through the website above or through the App Store.

Having achieved an "Outstanding" rating from Ofsted, we are continuing to work hard to further improve and having a uniform worn by all pupils is part of this drive for improvement. We appreciate parents' support in this matter.