Having achieved the Quality in Carers Standard, via The Investors in Careers, with the school fully meeting all the criteria for Commitment, Organisation, Delivery and Evaluation in 2020. We are proud to announce we have retained this award in 2023. We thank all of our stakeholders for their input and assistance in achieving this prestigious award.
Strengths of the school were list as:
- Strong Senior Management and Governor support
- Committed and well-organised Careers Leader
- Student centred approach to careers work
- Clear and comprehensive documentation
- Ongoing review, evaluation and development of the CEIAG programme
Areas of development for 2023–2024
- New roles for the Task and Finish group, Careers, aspirations, work experience and post 16.
- Lead – KM
- Drop down career’s day - KM
- Post 16 support – GH
- Work experience and extended work placements - LK
- Aspiration setting – LG
- Compass Plus Coordinator - JCo
- Lead mentor – FR
- Year 11 Mentors – ZS, DB, MH, JM, MT, CBU, SB
- Review of careers in the curriculum to ensure this is continuing to be a golden thread of school life.
- Planning and preparation to ensure, as a school, we are upholding PAL. Ideas: MKC, Army, NHS, Department of work and pensions.
- Review of careers strategy poster and careers webpages.
- Add Career Mag for Employers into the email to providers to encourage engagement and interest.
- Careers advisor year 10 and KS3 meetings/ activities.
- Review new NCS offer and arrange for a visit.
- Review ‘Drop down careers day’ from last year’s feedback and plan this year’s activities to include outside speakers.