What is LMI and how can you use it to inform your child’s career choices?
Labour Market Information or LMI is any quantitative or qualitative data about the nature and operation of the labour market. It is part of The Rowans careers provision as it helps young people explore key aspects about a particular area, including:
- The sectors, industries and businesses that operate there
- The jobs that exist
- The number and type of job vacancies
- The sectors and industries that are predicted to grow in the coming years
- Travel to work patterns
- The kinds of skills that are/will be needed by industries and businesses
- Pay and progression patterns.
Warwick Institute of Employment Research (IER), found that people seeking careers advice want to understand:
- The competition they will face—”How easy is it to get into?”
- Entry and progression routes—”How do I get into it?”
- The rewards available—”What’s the pay like?”
- The availability of jobs in their ‘travel to work area’—”Can I travel to this work easily?”
- Recruitment and selection and the prospects of securing employment in a particular job—”Could I get into this type of work?”
- The value of particular qualifications, experience or training—”Do employers accept this qualification?”
It is important for your child to explore the different careers available to them in their local area and also to look at what personality traits your child has that would suit different career sectors. You can do this using a careers quiz. The results are quite accurate and show career sectors that they might not have thought of exploring.
The power point below takes you through a careers quiz and then onto looking at LMI in your local areas Medway and Maidstone. It then goes onto look are the job market as we come out of lockdown and what has changed due to Covid-19. The information has been broken down into bitesize chunks and activities for you to complete and will form a comprehensive analysis of what career sectors your child can further explore in the links at the end of the PowerPoint.
As shown in the photograph below, we have a noticeboard outside the Careers Leaders office that explains the key parts to LMI. We have broken down information to address the research above looking closely at the top ranking jobs available in Medway. This information is kept up to date using CXK’s LMI posters created using information from the LMI data Warwick university collates.
As a parent/ carer it is useful to have labour market information to hand when discussing future careers for your children. The information below has been broken down into sectors and the last link shows key information pictorially and in short bursts of data so you can compare each sector and look at the top ten jobs available to your children as the labour market stands now.
Careerometer from LMI