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The Rowans AP Academy

Inspiring change for a brighter future

Primary AP

The Inspiring Change Primary Alternative Provision

Inspiring Change for a Brighter Future

We actively encourage and support the inclusion of children into full time education settings by nurturing their social, emotional and physical health and well-being, promoting self-esteem and independence.

The main aim of the Inspiring Change Primary AP is to support Primary aged pupils to be successful in mainstream education.  The short-term placements at ICPAP concentrate on supporting pupils at a time in their lives when they need more intensive support than can be accessed in mainstream school.  Requests for placements at ICPAP must go to Medway Local Authority via School Support Group (SSG). SSG is a panel of professionals who can offer support, advice and guidance to schools and decide whether ICPAP involvement is appropriate.  Referrals may be made at any time throughout the year.

When a pupil is placed at the Inspiring Change alternative provision, we work hard to ensure that the education they receive is tailored to meet their individual needs, is engaging and rich and designed to give them the skills to manage their emotions and behaviours.  We also concentrate on addressing any gaps in learning, whilst maintaining progress across the curriculum.  The development of the pupil’s emotional well-being, understanding of themselves and the world around them and future aspirations is central to all work.

We aim for pupils:

  • To improve their educational attainment within a safe, caring and healthy environment.
  • To acquire the skills, self-esteem and experience that they will need for their own future development.
  • To be empowered to gain an understanding of who they are, how to regulate their emotions and seek support appropriately when needed.
  • To meet agreed targets in order to return to a mainstream school.
  • To be prepared for the wider outside world, so that they can relate confidently to others and have the necessary skills and resilience to succeed, playing a positive role in their school and local communities.

Our additional aims and objectives are:

  • To ensure that children’s needs are central to discussions around provision.
  • To ensure accurate sharing of information in order to meet the needs of this vulnerable group appropriately.
  • To establish good working relations between the Inspiring Change Trust, schools, pupils and parents/carers and other involved professionals.
  • To establish clearly defined and well documented referral procedures.
  • To establish a clearly defined exit strategy for pupils, based on the understanding that ICPAP is a short stay provision. We will seek to meet specific targets and address gaps and areas for improvement but it is understood that this is not a ‘fix-all’ solution.
  • To ensure schools / education providers have a good understanding of the roles and responsibilities of both the Inspiring Change Trust and their own setting in relation to pupils with medical and emotional needs.

Contact details



Email Address

Telephone number

Executive Headteacher

(Designated safeguarding Lead)

Caron Johnson


01634 338816

Lead Teacher

(Designated safeguarding Lead)

Ian May


07710 143033


(Designated safeguarding Lead)

Gwen Webb

07710 143027

If a temporary placement is agreed at ICPAP, the following applies.

Pupils are dual rolled, and are registered ‘main’ with their home school Primary and ‘subsidiary’ on the ICPAP roll.  (Rowans roll) The two provisions liaise to ensure attendance information is shared. If a pupil has been permanently excluded, they are temporarily on the roll of The Rowans AP until a new school is brokered. 

Pupils are placed at different times throughout the school year as the need arises, and although placement lengths differ slightly, they are all ‘short term’, and bespoke.  There may be occasions when a pupil needs an extended placement, in these circumstances, extended placements may be negotiated with the school and LA.  However, it should be stressed that the expectation is that the placements are short term.

The initial information from the primary school is sought via a pupil referral form.  This form includes the reasons for the referral, background information both academic and personal, details of school history and any external agency involvement, a pen profile of the pupil and details of strategies previously deployed.

In the majority of cases, a pupil will have had outreach intervention prior to a referral into the provision.  There may be instances where a pupil is referred following a permanent exclusion and, in this case, it is possible that the pupil is not known to outreach. 

Once the referral is accepted and agreed by the LA, a meeting is arranged with the home school to discuss the recommendations and plan with the family.

The pre-admission meeting is arranged with parent and pupil at the ICPAP Mierscourt site.  The pupil is dual rolled for the duration of their stay.  Parent/carer completes the registration and permission forms.

Where pupils need to return to an alternative mainstream school the case is referred to the Fair Access panel, where representatives from the Primary Heads group agree on an appropriate move. ICPAP then support this transition.

Baseline testing is completed by ICPAP staff member on site at the provision.

The following baseline testing is carried out:

  • WRAT (maths section)
  • NRIT (non-reading intelligence test)
  • Hodder Reading
  • Vernon Spelling
  • IDL (dyslexia and dyscalculia screening)
  • Boxall Profile

The pupil is reintegrated following their time out of school.  There are adopted reintegration protocols which will be used in the instances of a new school having been brokered.

The aim is for all work to lead to a successful reintegration to full time mainstream provision, and a reduction in suspensions and to prevent permanent exclusions.  Following a short stay at ICPAP, pupils return to their home school, there may be occasions where a new school will be brokered at Primary Fair Access Panel or that an EHCP is applied for and specialist provision is identified.  The transition back to a mainstream school is planned and supported, the timescales agreed by both ICPAP and the mainstream school.

A service level agreement is signed by the school. The parent/carer completes the admissions forms at this stage and organisational and practical arrangements re needs, transport, lunch and uniform expectations are arranged.

Once the details of the placement and desired outcomes are agreed the home school attends the pupils first session at the provision to settle the pupil in, a familiar face to alleviate any anxiety.

The Inspiring change Primary support service will concentrate on the 6 principles of nurture namely:

1.       Children's learning is understood developmentally

2.       The classroom offers a safe base

3.       The importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing

4.       Language is a vital means of communication

5.       All behaviour is communication

6.       The importance of transition in children's lives


There is a broad and balanced curriculum with an understanding of the need for the curriculum to also be personalised and tailored to the needs of the individual, ensuring progress and success for every pupil. 

There is an unrelenting focus on the core curriculum areas notably, English and Maths, reading and SPAG. 

There is a programme of both academic and therapeutic intervention to meet individuals needs which allows personalisation to ensure optimum progress.  There is a focus on phonics, reading and Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation (SPAG) to ensure that any gaps are rapidly closed.  Both English and Maths are covered during the morning of each day. The other subjects are combined in project-based learning to support cross curricular links and promote engagement and enjoyment, ensuring breadth of curriculum coverage.  This project-based learning has a themed approach, with the aim of motivating and inspiring pupils. 

The teaching and learning environment is vibrant and aspirational, immersing all pupils in a love of learning, where learning is important and all pupils aspire to be the best they can be.   The ambition is to create and deliver a curriculum which can close gaps in learning rapidly and empower parents and carers to play a key role in the process.  Importance will always be placed upon working towards integration, tackling the challenges and issues facing the pupils and their family and working hard to ensure that progress is made on all levels.  In addition, support is given to the mainstream school on understanding the needs and challenges of the young person and being able to manage the needs at the point of reintegration. 

We seek to:

  • Improve pupil learning, achievement and progression rates so that all the pupils have tangible educational outcomes.
  • Re-engage disaffected, vulnerable, those managing ACEs or complex trauma, anxious and disengaged children in learning.
  • Enhance the self-control and self-management of pupils.
  • Support children whose family circumstances make them vulnerable and less likely to make good educational progress by engaging parents / carers in their learning.
  • Enable families to help their children settle and achieve in school.
  • Improve pupil’s mental health and psychological / emotional well-being.
  • Promote and improve inclusion for all pupils.

Pupil progress is regularly reviewed where discussions on each pupil are firmly rooted in progress data and identification of need.  Where there are gaps or where progress is not as expected, academic and therapeutic interventions are timetabled to become part of the pupil’s personalised plan. 

We maintain close links with mainstream primary schools to ensure that assessment procedures are rigorous and quality assured.  



Each referring school will be charged a proportion of their age weighted pupil funding (AWPU) including the additional funding elements received up to the cost of £6,000 for the placement based on the number of days in provision.  

The per day cost is the minimum per pupil funding guarantee value of £6000 divided by 190 days = £31 per day


Data Protection

The information you provide in relation to this document is subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 and is collected on behalf of The Inspiring Change Trust.  It will be used for the purposes of monitoring the provision. We may share this information with Head Teachers, Senior Management and other relevant agencies.


Equality statement

The Inspiring Change Primary support service promotes equality and diversity and gives due regard to the statutory duties incumbent on schools relating to SEN, Disability, Gender and Race.



The Inspiring Change Primary support service is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people both within the school environment and outside and recognises our legal duty to work with other agencies in protecting them from ‘significant harm’. All staff are regularly trained and all relevant policies are available on the Primary Support section of the Rowans AP Academy website.