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The Rowans AP Academy

Inspiring change for a brighter future

GDPR / Data Protection

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on 31 May 2018 and set out the principles for how we process personal data and keep it safe.

We have reviewed our systems in line with the GDPR and our updated Privacy Notice details our arrangements for pupil data.  Our admission forms have also been amended to reflect the changes.

Individuals have a right to make a "subject access request" to gain access to personal information we hold about them.  The procedure for making a subject access request is detailed in our GDPR/Data Protection Policy.

Our named Data Protection Officer (DPO) is Claire Delahay, School Business Manager, who can be contacted at

Ros Coen is our GDPR Trustee and can be contacted at

Our GDPR/Data Protection Policy can be found under the Policies section.